
The SocialFi section of our platform is the access to Polaris' BETA social network, built on Hive Blockchain technology. This section allows users to interact with social content in a decentralized way, with functionalities that will be expanded in future versions to offer a complete experience.

✊Current Features:

  1. Latest Posts and Trending Posts:

    • Users can view the most recent posts and those that are trending within the community.

  2. Top Accounts:

    • A list of the most influential accounts is presented, allowing users to discover and follow top content creators.

  3. Search and Filtering:

    • Users have the ability to search for posts using keywords and apply filters to find specific content.

  4. Post Details:

    • Each post can be viewed in detail, including information about the author, comments received and interaction with the post.

πŸ‘Š Future Features:

  1. V 1.0:

    • Save Posts: Users will be able to save posts for later review.

    • Post Statistics: Detailed statistics on the interaction and reach of each post will be provided.

    • Deep Tracking: Will allow for advanced analysis of post performance, including advanced statistics and average content lifespan.

  2. V 2.0:

    • Account Creation: Users will be able to create accounts directly in Hive Blockchain through our platform.

    • Post Creation and Commenting: The functionality to create posts, comment on existing posts and vote positively or negatively on the content will be enabled.

    • Full Interaction: This version will transform the section into a complete social network, allowing full and decentralized interaction with other users and content.

🀌 Technologies used:

  • The SocialFi section connects directly to the Hive Blockchain without intermediaries, ensuring a secure, transparent and decentralized experience. This allows users to interact with the platform efficiently and reliably.

πŸ’ͺ User Benefits:

  • Decentralized Access: Integration with Hive Blockchain provides a secure and transparent environment for social interaction.

  • Real-Time Information: The ability to view the latest posts and trending posts keeps users up to date with the most relevant content.

  • Search and Filtering Tools: These functionalities facilitate the navigation and discovery of specific content.

  • Future Expansions: Upcoming updates promise to significantly improve functionality and interaction, offering advanced tools and a complete social networking experience.

The SocialFi section is designed to evolve over time, providing users with more and more tools to interact effectively and meaningfully with the community in a decentralized environment.

Last updated