
General Description: The Trading section is designed to be the most powerful part of the entire app, offering a plethora of tools to access and analyze blockchain information. This section is aimed at providing users with comprehensive insights and advanced analysis capabilities.

πŸ’Ή Key Features:

  1. πŸ‹ Whale Analysis:

    • Provides detailed analysis of large transactions and activities by significant holders ("whales") in the cryptocurrency market.

  2. 🌐 Social Media Mapping:

    • Tracks and maps discussions and trends on social media platforms related to various cryptocurrencies, providing insights into market sentiment and emerging trends.

  3. πŸ“ˆ Token Tracking:

    • Offers tools for tracking the performance and activity of different tokens, helping users stay informed about their investments and market movements.

  4. πŸ†• Reports on New Coins:

    • Delivers detailed reports on newly launched coins, including their potential, performance, and market reception.

  5. 🧠 AI Analysis:

    • Utilizes artificial intelligence to perform advanced analyses, predicting market trends, identifying investment opportunities, and offering strategic insights.

Technology Used:

  • The Trading section leverages Polaris's internal API to gather data and perform analyses. This ensures that users have access to accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information.

User Benefits:

  • Advanced Tools: A wide array of advanced tools allows users to perform in-depth analysis and make informed trading decisions.

  • Market Insights: Whale analysis and social media mapping provide unique insights into market movements and sentiment.

  • Real-Time Tracking: Token tracking keeps users updated with real-time information on their investments.

  • Strategic Reports: Reports on new coins and AI-driven analysis help users identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The section’s extensive capabilities ensure that users have all the information they need to navigate the complex cryptocurrency market effectively.

Last updated